XSHIFTER was a niche product still at the prototype level. We needed to identify the ideal cyclist for the product and get them excited about supporting the upcoming Kickstarter campaign.
So we developed a prelaunch campaign that shared the inventor’s passion for improving cycling technology with the global cycling community.
The Kickstarter prelaunch campaign created a dedicated group of early-adopters with the following strategies:
Social Media – Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and mailing campaigns.
Development Diary – A video development diary captured the XSHIFTER in various stages of development to introduce the inventor to the public and to better explain his devices.
Media Coverage – Outreach to leading journalists lead to coverage of XSHIFTER in international bike media to generate additional excitement for the Kickstarter launch.

Once the Kickstarter campaign started, we used the following strategies to reach a wider audience and maintain momentum:
Kickstarter Videos – Created videos that clearly shared the inventor’s passion for cycling and the features of the product.
Campaign Page – The Kickstarter campaign page connected customer’s with the ideal product package to fit their needs.
SEO – Our use of keywords and social media outreach paid off to help XSHIFTER reach the top of Google search engine results.